Jesus Says

"...If God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you." John 12:28 NLT
Let us get up early and go to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded, if the blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates have bloomed. There I will give you my love. Songs of Songs 6:12 NLT

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God's Beautiful Creation

From the Holy Bible New Living Translation

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live.
I will praise my God to my last breath!
May all my thoughts be pleasing to Him,
for I rejoice in the LORD.
Psalm 104:33-34

Psalm 104 describes the awe and splendor of God's wondrous creation saying in verse 31, "The LORD takes pleasure in all he has made!"  Today is a beautiful day in the south following the terrible storms of last week.  And even though we mourn the loss of life and property let us turn our thoughts to Him praising our God even to our last breath for the pleasure He takes in pleasing us.

To God be the Glory!  Amen

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